Do you ever feel


  • That you’re just not earning at your fullest potential?
  • That no matter how hard you work, you just can’t get ahead?
  • That bootstrapping everything yourself is leaving you feeling exhausted, and you actually have less time to service the actual clients?
  • Do you feel the voice of doubt coming from within when you attempt to reach for more?
  • Do you feel confused about which sales and marketing strategies will work for you; a blog, a podcast, a book, speaking engagements, a challenge…
  • Do you ever struggle with feelings of unworthiness, fear, self-sabotage, or even the idea that making money for yourself is bad, wrong or evil?
  • The pandemic has magnified your fears around money, business growth and security.
  • Would you love to work with affluent clients who are a pure pleasure to work with and send you endless referrals?

Here’s what most people don’t understand:

  • You do not need to do more to make more.
  • And you do not need to work hard to deserve the rewards of your effort.
  • The days of the struggling slavegirl in her business are now over.

Only 1.7% of women-owned businesses generated more than $1 million in revenue.

Though women in the US own 40% of businesses and only 32.37% in the UK.

become the exception

Credit: Entrepreneur, 2018 in the USA.

You’re invited to our exclusive 2-day live immersion on 24+25 September 2022 in London & Virtual.


For the high-achieving woman making 6 figures + who is dedicated to pursuing her big audacious goals, and deeply desires to make global impact.

It’s time to ignite your deeper meaning in life. Reach your full potential. You desire to become the next extraordinary you in your business for your clients, your loved ones, and the world. Initiating your life’s divine soul purpose will launch you into the pinnacle of greatness. To build a MILLION DOLLAR business from alignment.

Join me in Marylebone, London, for a small group of up to 40 high-performance women, and find the clarity and confidence to go to the next level in revenues and impact without burnout.

Hi there,

I'm Anna Kitney

I’ve been there, and there’s nothing spiritual about struggling and being poor!

I didn’t come from money. I was born in communist Poland. In the 1980s, my family and I escaped to Austria when I was 6 years old. I remember living in the attic of a hotel with mice, eating bread and butter. My family then left Austria, and we emigrated to Australia. We were given a home, food, education, clothing and toys. My parents started to build a new life. My father delivered flyers through letterboxes at 2 cents each and my mother worked as a cleaner. They went back to university to upgrade their master’s qualifications as their Polish ones were not valid in Australia. They worked very hard and built a home in Perth, Western Australia.

My parents were highly educated, government employees and were able to put my two sisters and me through private school. But my parents, nor school taught me about creating financial prosperity. The programming was to go get a good education to get a good job and work very, very hard. And so it did!

But, I was determined to have a different life.


I knew deep down there was another way. A way that didn’t mean I had to give up my freedom and be a slave to a job, boss or money. I remember listening to personal development cassette tapes in the car; Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor and John Kanary. They spoke of changing how we think to change our results. They spoke of spirit, God and the universal laws of manifestation. I became fascinated and obsessed with this knowledge. I committed to becoming a life-long student of peak performance and manifesting an extraordinary life.

I’ve attended countless seminars. Watched numerous online programs. Invested heavily in coaches, mentors and spiritual teachers so I could learn the secret to success. I learnt a process for shifting into an energetic state of receiving to attract money so that I can create my dreams. I desired to create money in a way that was aligned with my mission, vision and purpose. I wanted to do great work in the world and get paid well for doing so.

There are a million ways to make a million. This program is calibrating to the frequency of attracting more money through soul-aligned actions. These will be unique to you from a place of joy, innate skill and practical action. This course is not about financial management. And I obviously cannot guarantee specific results with this course, but I know that I have been able to help thousands increase their money mindset and it was reflected in their bank accounts and businesses.

I discovered that working harder is never the answer.
Real and lasting transformation starts with your MINDSET.

I’ve run businesses since I was 23 years old. In the past 17 years, I generated millions from my businesses. This is my 5th company. I’ve trained thousands of entrepreneurs internationally. I’ve invested thousands of pounds into impact projects that are creating sustainable change.

Anna Kitney Coaching and Mentoring is based in London, with premium offerings to elevate entrepreneurship in the wellness, healing, coaching and personal development sector.

A unique blend of soul-led strategy, utilising innate intuitive ability, energetic recalibration and mindset reprogramming to accelerate results.

At the highest level, I offer of private advisory and coaching to legacy leaders, change-makers, royalty, celebrities and business owners at the multiple 6-7 figures. With bespoke programs created for each private client to accelerate growth on every level as a high performer that is underpinned by soul-led purpose, divine timing and legacy.

I’ve been part of high-level masterminds with female entrepreneurs generating over $50 million dollars in revenue in their businesses. I’ve worked across a broad range of industries but am ultimately committed to empowering women through personal growth and spiritual transformation so that they can get their greatest work out into the world.

I’m passionate about creating a business that ignites your passions, multiplies your income, and impacts the world by doing work that is abundant, soulful and meaningful.


You are a female business owner who desires to live life on her own terms. Soul-led strategy to scale optimising both the masculine and feminine principles.


Awaken and maximize your inner power for your massive business growth through energetics and mindset. Transform the inner world first, then the outer world will change.


Elevate your brand and messaging to position yourself as an expert through thought leadership. Cultivate your unique voice and message to reach millions. Develop the art of leading leaders.

Step into the next level of your purpose + power.


the Future of your Soul-led Empire

Elevate Your Message, Brand & Business

For female entrepreneurs who know they’re meant for more.

Your business is doing well, but you know you could be doing better. You feel you should be further ahead than you are. You have achieved a certain amount of success but not your peak level of brilliance. You know that working harder and longer is not the solution to scaling up. It’s the energetic level-up that you’ve been waiting for.

You have the potential to create a successful business, but you need direction. ​

It’s time to leverage your brilliance and scale. It’s time to claim your place as the leader to lead others. You are the female business owner who desires to optimise her feminine principles to build and create from flow and expansion.

Step into your next-level truth so you can take soul-aligned action towards your destiny. Deepen your connection to the universe and surrender to the guidance of the soul. To align more fully with more of you!

It’s the identify shift to go to multiple 6 – 7 figures and beyond.

It’s the alchemy of mindset and soul-led strategy to grow and scale your business. Without hustling harder and longer. But by embodying your best future self and showing up more fully in your great work. The more money your make, the more people you are serving!


Guest Expert

Mindy Gibbins-Klein

Multi-Award-Winning Thought Leadership Speaker and Coach

Mindy Gibbins-Klein, the founder of The Book Midwife® and The Thoughtful Leader, has supported over one thousand leaders during the past 20 years to plan and write their very best books –legacy books that they are proud to share with audiences, clients and other influencers.

Step into thought leadership to elevate your business and prices.

Thinking of writing a book?

Make sure you put the right kind of thought into it, so it can truly position you as a thought leader and thoughtful leader.  A thought-leading book elevates business leaders and professionals to a much higher level – one where you be seen above the crowd for intriguing, exciting and even disruptive new ideas and insights.  Creating this type of book as part of your profile and platform takes a special approach – and that is exactly what Mindy Gibbins-Klein will be sharing with you.

In this dynamic and interactive session, you will learn

  • What thought leadership means today and how to achieve it
  • How to assess your own ideas for originality and authenticity
  • Techniques for sharing your most important messages and passion
Guest Expert

Aarti Parmar

Award-winning certified brand strategist and qualified coach.

Aarti Parmar educates and empowers business owners to mindfully implement brand-led growth with intent, joy and impact. 

If your brand isn’t clear on the inside, it will not be clear on the outside!

Your brand strength lies in your values and beliefs; reflecting why you do what you do, and how that distinguishes the brand.

When you are clear on this it bolsters your belief in yourself, your business, the team and it can evidence the unique difference your business makes for your audience.

Elevate Your Brand to Become Iconic

Imagine having full ownership of all which makes your business unique and aligned. Ditch the state of disconnect to grow your business and build a meaningful brand with precision, joy and purpose.

  • Explore the brand fundamentals that will uplevel your business and personal brand.
  • Get clear on what informs and shapes your positioning, messaging, and marketing for you to be the obvious choice and work with your aligned clients.
  • Interactive exercises, case studies and practical insights to support you in developing your brand.


You will walk away with

  1. A deep knowing that you are capable of achieving the next level you
  2. Assessment of where you are now and clarity on what you need next to achieve a MILLION DOLLAR business.
  3. Your BIG vision with a soul-led strategic plan
  4. How to scale your current business model to bring in more revenue and generate endless cashflow
  5. Leave with an inspired action plan and next steps you literally cannot wait to take
  6. Set yourself up to finally follow through on becoming highly visible, hitting your big income goal and manifesting the specific vision that’s on-purpose for you!
  7. Receive the highest-level feminine leadership coaching and spiritual mentorship as you expand your empire.
  8. Accelerate your growth at lightning speed without working harder or longer.
  9. Discover the 7 core principles to embodying the Sovereign.
  10. Expert advice on your business, branding and leadership position yourself as an expert. Cultivate your unique voice and message to reach millions.
  11. Network with up to 40 other Soulful female business owners overs over drinks and canapés

What others are saying about Anna Kitney

“One of our SoulAlign® Business Group Coaching and SoulAlign® Money members, Magdalena Ponurska caused a 30% growth in enrolment at the Montessori school. She manifested $250,000 grants and fundraising by 50%, ending with $500,000 in additional funding that allowed her to offer additional scholarships to children who could not otherwise afford this type of education. She has speaking engagements booked and written 3 books.”

Magdalena Ponurska

“I had the great fortune of being able to work with Anna Kitney recently. I’ve always been a believer that your business will only grow to the extent that you do and as a leader, it is extremely important to consistently elevate internally. Within 60 seconds of sitting down with Anna, she identified a core wound that was holding me back from bringing my next level of work to the world in the most powerful way that I was oblivious to. And within 30 minutes, it was cleared. Within 24 hours, I had a different view of the world and began to make decisions differently. People immediately started showing up differently in my life and new opportunities started flowing in. Anna is the real deal. Very grateful to have met her and had the opportunity to work with her.”

Kelly O'Neal7 Figure Award Winning Positioning and Profit Strategist
Kelly O'Neil

“After my second session with Anna, I closed $108,000 including my first $80,000 client! I’m so grateful for our sessions and I can see a whole new way of being. Coaching with Anna shifted my mindset and business vision to double my six figure business and achieve the time freedom I needed as an entrepreneur, mum and woman on a mission to pursue larger platforms to share my gifts. What seemed like a mountain of impossible become completely achievable and I saw the tangible results in revenue, new aligned team members and the ability to attract the clientele where I could be of greater service and feel more purposeful. Coaching with Anna is a no-brainer business investment – she has the ability to see the potential of your business and gifts and co-create the strategy to take you there. The best advice is to say YES to bringing her into your business inner circle as your mentor, guide and coach.”

Natasha RockstromGlobal Legacy Coach



2-Immersive days for up to 40 female leaders.

24+25 September 2022

The Marylebone Hotel

47 Welbeck Street,
London, W1G 8DN,

Time: 9am -5pm daily

Incuding Sunday 3:30pm – 5 pm Networking, drinks and canapés


Virtual Tickets also available

Make sure to book your ticket now in order to secure your place for the immersive experience.


Are you ready to step into your power, purpose and leadership?

Join us for 2 immersive days to reflect, re-assess, re-evaluate and revolutionise. You’re invited to think bigger, to be more of you. To enter a category of one. Step boldly into thought leadership, elevate your brand and strategically plan the expansion of your soul-led empire.

For the high-achieving woman making 6 figures + who is dedicated to pursuing her big audacious goals, and deeply desires to make global impact.

JOIN US SEPT. 24TH-25TH, 2022