Discover how to manifest anything you want by increasing your self-worth and discover how to become an energetic match to your desires. It’s time to release the scarcity mentality into abundance through accessing divine guidance.

It’s time to stop pretending you don’t want it all! You want more LOVE and more MONEY, more of EVERYTHING. To live your life to the fullest expression and potential.
But you’re frustrated that it hasn’t shown up yet. You’re lighting the candles, you’re doing the manifesting rituals over a new moon, your visualising, your vision boarding, you’re looking for meaning in angels numbers like 1111 and 888. So where to hell is your stuff, right?
Perhaps you’ve been hustling and grinding to make it happen. You’re thinking “If only I can just work harder, longer…” So you’ve discovered that all that hard work and sacrifices are just not helping you get ahead.
You may even be thinking the universe is against you?
You’re not alone.
I was chasing The Secret too, until I found the real truth behind manifesting. And it’s not rocket science, but it’s a lot like making a cake. You need the RIGHT ingredients in the RIGHT order.
You can learn how to ATTRACT and create MORE love and money intentionally. With CONSCIOUS intention. On REPEAT.
How manifesting was meant to be.
Beyond the law of attraction, into an expansion of your capacity to receive.
How to Manifest Anything You Want
- Steps to successful manifesting
- Discover what’s been holding you back
- The Map of Consciousness – becoming an energetic match to your desires
- How to up-level areas of your life
- Letting go of the fear of success
- The Gratitude Process I personally use and give to my high-end clients
Becoming A Vibrational Match to Your Desires
- How to muscle test yourself for self-limiting beliefs
- Letting go of control and opening up to allowing
- What is your new motivation to move forwards, instead of your old story of pain, illness, debt, suffering
- What is your new marker of progress – how will you know your moving forward?
- Energy Clearing – Abundance Money Mindset
Releasing Scarcity Mentality into Overflow
- What did you discover about yourself
- Clearing Upper Limits to what you desire
- Letting go of scarcity story; not enough love or money. Either/Or
- ABC: Always Be Connected
- The Decade Planner Tool: what if the could still be your best year, your best decade?
- Goal Planning Tool and Strategy to make it happen!

Hi there beautiful soul,
I’m Anna Kitney.
Client love
“This challenge came in the right time for me, when everything was stuck in life and when I couldn’t see much of the light at the end of the tunnel. By the second day of the training I was able to manifest a client contact for my business and this felt soooo good. It was the boost I needed to believe that “this is it, my business has officially started”! As the days past by and I kept doing the challenge, everything that was stuck into the “fear energy” in relation to my wedding suddenly started to shift to “love and trust”. In the end, my wedding went better than we expected and in fact, it was exactly as I had visioned during the meditations conducted by Anna. It is simply magic, I love it, love it and I am so grateful I have joined this work!! Thank you”
Raissa Coelho

Take the Quantum Leap
Learn how to collapse time through the quantum jumping method. Connect with your future self and higher-self for guidance, insight and those key soul-led actions that will bring your manifestation faster than you imagined were possible.
The Quantum Leap Meditation is designed to immediately elevate your vibration and your point of attraction. Start calling in all your desires.
Client love

You can learn how to ATTRACT and create MORE love and money intentionally. With CONSCIOUS intention. On REPEAT.
Discover how to manifest anything you want by increasing your self-worth and discover how to become an energetic match to your desires. It’s time to release the lack mentality into abundance through accessing divine guidance.
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