Setting unrealistic dreams and desires. Creating audacious goals that make no logical sense. Playing in the field of pure potentiality.
Manifest the Extraordinary Life for the Woman Who Desires to Have It All!

I’m ready to manifest miracles now!
Do you deeply desire to elevate your lifestyle beyond your current imagination? To be more, have more, and create more in this life!
You’re the high achieving woman who is on a mission to pursue big audacious goals. To finally feel financially free. To work from anywhere in the world. To give your kids the best education and life experiences that will prepare them for life. You want ignite the passion and romance back into your love life. To feel the alive, fulfilled and at peace with yourself. To truly live an extraordinary life, now!
Inside the SoulAlign® Manifestation Mastery we’re amplifying your manifestation powers. To expand your capacity to receive more without apology. To no longer hold back, or play small, but to have it all without compromise!
To create a life you’ll love on your own terms. To consciously design and curate your life experiences from your bucket list into reality. To live the life you’ve always dreamed from this moment, rather than waiting for outside circumstances to change. To have it all, and now!
MASTERMIND | 5th Nov 2024 – 4th Feb 2025 (2 weeks break over Xmas)
Manifest the extraordinary life for the woman who desires to have it all!
The 12-week Mastermind Experience to expand your energetic capacity to receive abundant overflow into every area of your life. Stop dreaming and start doing. Stop waiting, and start receiving. As you claim your soul’s blueprint, you activate more of your abundance so that you can fulfil your calling.
Is this you?
Have you ever thought that you could be living a different life?
Work, eat, sleep, repeat.
Do you feel that one day is blending into another; work, eat, sleep, repeat. That the moments of joy and spontaneity are far and few between. You feel like you should be living another life that the one you have right now and don't know where to start?
When is it my turn?
You've seen the glamour lifestyle of online influencers and girl bosses who are jet setting across the globe, wondering when it will be your turn? What are they doing different to you? What makes them so special? Why are they the lucky ones to have it all!
Embarrassed for wanting more.
You've manifested some cool stuff already, and you feel guilty or embarrassed for even wanting more. You're hiding what you really want from others, and feel frustrated that you're even denying it from yourself! You know you need to make peace with holding onto greater levels of cash and wealth to build your future.
Waiting for things to change.
Waiting for your husband's promotion or his permission to hire that awesome coach you've being stalking online. Waiting till the economy picks up again, till you've saved enough money to one day do that thing! You know that thing you've stuck to your vision board or wrote down in your new year's resolutions. Hoping that one day, everything will change in your favour.
And yet, you have this deep knowing inside you heart and soul that you are destined to live an extraordinary life. You don't know how... yet. You hear the whispers of your soul calling you to dream a bigger dream. To take bold and courageous action towards your desires, yearnings and secret obsessions.

To uplevel everything without doing more.
I had achieved a certain level of success in my career. Life was good. But if could have been better. I found myself in overworking to try to make more money. Sure, hustling harder did work, to an extent. Then at a certain level it stopped working. I got to the point where there were not enough hours in the day to ‘get ahead’. I missed so much of my kids childhood, working weekends. I loved what I did, but at what price? Was it even all worth it. I looked forward to the family vacations to reconnect with my children and husband. To catch up. To make up for lost time. But soon the holiday was over, and we were all back to our old habits.
I had manifested some awesome things in my life. Life did feel like it was progressing, but what I really desired was a quantum leap! A rapid acceleration of all my desires. I searched for mentors that had done it. I learned the advanced concepts of manifestation. In 2020, during the pandemic, I implemented some next-level teachings and magic started to occur! I created a huge shift in my identity and activated my next-level purpose and divine timing.
Our company did it’s first $1.4 million in revenues in 2021! I moved my family and business to Dubai in 2023 within 4 months of making the decision.
Transform your self-concept and recalibrate your abundance frequency inside your personal energetic field.
the wait is over
Manifest a life from pure desire, bliss and awakened expansion
By working together, you’ll be mentored to evolve as the best version of yourself and enter a realm where anything is possible.
Manifestation is not rocket science. At its foundation, it’s actually very simple. But not always easy. The human creates resistance to their desires. We get lost in the “how” of things. There are kickbacks for staying where you are. Let’s transcend the false paradigm of making things hard for them to be valuable. And finally, allow life to flow and become effortless.
Expanding your energetic capacity, and making space for your deepest desires and brand visions to flow towards you.
It’s time to realign your energetic blueprint to unlimited possibility. As we entered into this new era of human consciousness the old paradigms are crumbling down. New ways of working. New ways of thinking. Women breaking new ground. Glass ceilings are been shattered. It’s a liberation from the old chains that has bound us into self-imposed slavery.
New empowering beliefs about money, love, and health. It’s never been a question of whether you were enough, you always have been. You ARE ENOUGH!

Trying to stay positive does not work.
It was never about staying in the vibe of light, love and unicorns 24/7!
You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You can have a bad day and still manifest great things. You can be on your period and still make sales. Mercury could be in retrograde and you can still get your emails out to your clients. Even billionaires have bad days. You don’t have to be obsessed and stare at your vision board every day. You don’t have to wait for bloody planets to be in alignment for you to receive from God! The phone lines to the ‘big guy’ are always open, no matter what. It’s all available, and it’s available now! There are no rules!

I’m a Self-Made 7-Figure Spiritual Business Coach, serial entrepreneur, International Speaker, Master Enery Healer, and Spiritual Business Advisor. I work with extraordinary spiritual entrepreneurs and fate-changers looking to make more impact in this world.
I’ve run businesses since I was 23 years old. This is my 5th company. I’ve generated millions of pounds across my companies. I’ve sold luxury cars, luxury property, aeroplanes to airlines and high-ticket programs to entrepreneurs.
I’ve been coached and mentored by Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Brendon Burchard, and Ali Brown. I’ve been part of high-level masterminds with female entrepreneurs generating over $50 million dollars in revenue in their businesses. I’ve worked across a broad range of industries but am ultimately committed to empowering women through personal growth and spiritual transformation so that they can get their greatest work out into the world.

Together we’ll define the grand vision and why you want it. Our desires that we think we want are often planted in early childhood by the unfulfilled dreams of our parents. By the social pressures, through media and peers. Let’s uncover your deepest, truest yearnings to walk through life with conscious intention, self-led decision and an unshakable commitment to design an extraordinary life. Uncover your soulful motives that are rooted in your values so that you can become magnetic to your manifestations.

Understanding the 12 universal laws of manifestation and how to apply them in your everyday life. The Law of Attraction is just one law from over twelve. Discover the other laws that influence your manifestation powers. Through the understanding and embodiment of the universal laws we’ll dive deep into cellular recalibration to expand your capacity to receive unlimited abundance.
You’ll come to understand why some of your manifestations have felt harder to achieve. Or why you manifested something you did not expect. Rather than simply a theoretical understanding, you’ll discover embodiment processes to turn knowledge into wisdom.
There is unconscious resistance to your desires. We’ll uncover the kickback’s or secondary gains for staying stuck. The familiarity of the comfort zone that’s been holding you back in the illusion of safety. Let’s collapse the outdated beliefs of the subconscious mind that creates much of your limitations. To step into the paradigm of possibilities and pure potential. The place where you get to rewrite the rules. I’ll teach you my Quantum Leaping Process to recalibrate your energetic field.

Your self-concept is how you see yourself determines your outcome. You get what you expect, not what you need and want. Everything from the way that you look, behave and what you attract is governed by the self concept. Change this, and everything around you starts to change. We’ll activate and encode in higher version of yourself through mindset work and embodiment tools. This is the fastest way to create the quantum leaps in your life. The woman who creates audacious goals beyond her current reality and makes the bold and courage moves from the outcome she desires, from the next level self identity. Your higher self always know the next step. Trust and walk in her footsteps.

Tools and processes to reprogram your mindset. Rapidly collapse old codes, and embed new and empowering beliefs that support your desires. How you think determines your reality and consequently the actions you take. If you want to know how to attract financial abundance, how to pay off your debt at the same time, and how to create a plenty of money, then this program if for you. If you desire your divine soulmate, we’ll uncover the root cause that’s blocking love from coming into your life. You desire to manifest more health and wellbeing, let’s disconnect you from all the conflicting information that cause confusion and overwhelm. There are often sneaky or hidden kickbacks from staying right where you are. Let’s rapidly release the resistance to more abundance in every area of your life.
Setting unrealistic dreams and desires. Creating audacious goals that make no logical sense. Playing in the field of pure potentiality.
Unlock your 12 abundance codes through the understanding and embodiment of the universal laws. Dive deep into cellular recalibration to expand your capacity to receive unlimited abundance. See your desires fulfilled in this lifetime.
Working harder and longer is not serving you to receive more. Pushing and forcing only seems to repel. The hustle and grind culture is exhausting.
Manifest a life from pure desire, bliss and awakened expansion. Bring the future vision into reality now. Discover how to collapse time, to achieve your soul-led goals sooner. Enter the Gold Zone of manifestation. This is where your manifestations show up from true soul alignment. Where you receive without even asking for it. That you get to receive something even better than what you expected.

Creating Epic Manifestation Results

Manifest the extraordinary life for the woman who desires to have it all! The 12-week Mastermind Experience to expand your energetic capacity to receive abundant overflow into every area of your life.
- 12 live trainings starting with all the Advanced Manifestation embodiment tools and processes to create the extraordinary life you desire (value £3,333) Tuesday’s 5pm (London time)
- 4 Live Q&A Calls with Anna in each live round, Thursday’s 6pm GMT (value £2,222)
- 8 Guided Meditations (value £888)
- Exclusive Facebook Group with peer-to-peer support (£1,000)
- Any new modules added in the future at no extra cost
- Lifetime Access to replays & All Future Live Rounds (£15,000)
- BONUS: Manifest Overflow Masterclass (value £222)
- BONUS: Limitless Abundance Meditation (value £88)
- BONUS: Manifesting the Miraculous Intensive Digital Course (value £555)
- BONUS: Midas Touch Meditation: Everything you touch turns to Gold. (value £35)
- BONUS: HEAL: Quantum Leaping into Your Abundant Self (Valued £88)
- BONUS: Manifestation Vortex – 3 Day Challenge (£333)
The Energetics
- Alignment Process
- Embodiment Tools
- Daily Rituals & Practices
The Mindset
- Rapid Trauma Release
- Healing the Inner Child
- Identity Shift
- Rapid Mindset Reprogramming
- Healing overnight tools
SoulALIGN® Manifestation Mastery
LIVE MASTERMIND 5th Nov 2024 – 4th Feb 2025 (2 weeks break over Xmas)
Manifest the Extraordinary Life for the Woman Who Desires to Have It All!
The 12-week Mastermind Experience to expand your energetic capacity to receive abundant overflow into every area of your life. With LIFETIME access to all future live rounds.